| SGN | Predator | NL |
Name of player: | SGN | Predator | NL |

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:61720388

Time in GMT: 18.10 GMT +2

Server: v2p

Summary: I saw a guy walking around with a tazer so I followed him into the offices. There he tranqualized me and tied me up then spoke to me OOCly how they needed my help to raid the president. I said I needed a reason before I joined in then in the middle of it all Predator tranqualized me again and propkilled me.

Evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeVvaf5fY...e=youtu.be

Unfortunately I turned Fraps off before he propkilled me since I thought I didnt recorded atm, I quickly turned it on again thats why there is a little jump.

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