Ban request for users: "IAmSkrippy / Edmund" and "SwagRid"
Name of player:"SwagRid" "IAmSkrippy / Edmund"

SteamID: In order - STEAM_0:0:44107910 STEAM_0:0:42065104

Time in GMT: GMT 0

Server: Rp_Evocity_V33x

Summary: Well, I really cant give a summary just sort of describe what happened. I drove past those 2 in my truck and they came and rammed me with their cars thinking they were all tough. Then they rammed my truck onto a wall where it got stuck, I got out and then they drove round and this happened. (Sorry about the quality, but it gets the job done)

Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:

Evidence was deemed sufficient, accused player IAmSkrippy / Edmund (STEAM_0:0:44107910) was found violating rules regarding random deathmatch.
Suspension shall be applied for 2 days.

Evidence was deemed sufficient, accused player SwagRid (STEAM_0:0:42065104) was found violating rules regarding random deathmatch.
Suspension shall be applied for 1 day.

[FL] Adman
Server Administrative Team

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