Ban request on Zier and Welldone
Name of player: Zier And Welldone

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33355601 (WellDone) STEAM_0:0:19928737 (ZieR)

Time in GMT: 13:00 (24 hour)

Server: v33x

Summary: They climbed on a roof as a chef and a cop. Shooting random people and prop pushing. Then President demoted WellDone, then he disapeared. So thats him, the chef ran away and our SS caught him in Tides Hotel. Thats Zier


If you cant see the video then its being uploaded.

That's my view. It's near the end.
Skip to 4:20 on Raaiinn's video to see the stuff about this ban request. The first stuff dosent have a thing to do with Zier And WellDone Tounge

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