BR: Elder
Name of player: (Who you want to be banned?) Eldar

SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?) STEAM_0:1:29287655

Time in GMT: (When did it happen?) Like in GMT - 5 it was 4:09 am, around there

ServerSadOn which of our servers did it happen? v2d/v33x/v2p?) V2D

Summary: (What happened?) His doors are named nigg--- (You know), and he prop blocked a hostage so we can't get to him.

Evidence:SadTry to get as much evidence as you can get)

EDIT: More proof:
I'd just like to say that his name is "Eldar" and not Elder, just so noone is confused and draw any parallels between him and the Previous Admin/Member Elder
Ban request approved.

Banned player,
Please make sure to follow all of our rules in the future to avoid further disciplinary action.
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