Scammed by Trazzerz

Player name:Trazzers

SteamID (if possible)Cheeseidnt get it instant disconnect

Time in GMT:18:40 gmt+1

Summary:He was adverting selling cheap tranqs 50k i went to he's shop asked for them, gave him the money and he left...
If i could have a refound and get that minge banned could be great

I get a video showing he isnt on the scoreboard when i find out how to convert xfire videos

I lost the video but i can send you a screenshot where i only got 1 tranq if that is enough evidence to show you im not lieing?
I know this isn't probably my place to say this but isn't it supposed to say that the player disconnected/left the server in the console i know it does on my gmod.
It is but as you say its not your place to post i will wait for the admins to make up their mind
Well i see it there that you gave him the money, ummm...I'll talk to the other admins about this
[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]
You can also see in the console log that i didnt rechive anything
Insufficient evidence, no SteamID, case gone cold. Closed.

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