Ban Request on Somewhat Strange Scout
Name of player: [ZAS] Somewhat Strange Scout

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55037951

Time in GMT: 8:30PM GMT = +9:30

Server: v2p

Summary: Somewhat Strange Scout firstly created a gunshop, and cornered himself within props as the protection, without creating keypads or buttons. I thought he might be mid-creating it so i came but ten a few minutes later to check, and there were still no keypads or buttons.

He Later bought a hostage rope from me as he was don and then asked me if I could tell him where i was going next so he could hostage them, i said no and took the screenshot. (edited so there's no other unneeded writing in the middle)

Shortly after, he was Metagaming and writing that the gundealer needs to stop running in ooc.

He later admitted to attempting to Random hostage the gundealer for not selling him guns.



[Image: rp_evocity2_v2p0005_zps58b8936c.jpg]

[Image: rp_evocity2_v2p0003_zpsd0187ea7.jpg]

[Image: rp_evocity2_v2p0000_zpscf66534a.jpg]

And then the same a few minutes later; (can see time difference on my hours and minutes)

[Image: rp_evocity2_v2p0006_zps7fa1baab.jpg]

Wanting to Hostage someone;

[Image: rp_evocity2_v2p0007_zps9a7ba29f.jpg]

Admitting he attempted to random hostage the gundealer;

[Image: rp_evocity2_v2p0008_zps2e7ff64c.jpg]

Thankyou, to all the moderators and admins who see this.
User will be banned for a 2 days for randomly wanting to hostage someone and building some sort of prop block around himself.
Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.

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