[Question] What Character is the best to RP in Groups or in pairs?
Hello again everyone!

All i want to do is ask a very simple question, because i was wondering which Class/character, is the best to RP in pairs or groups. The reason why i ask this is because i am un-sure and i would like to know what you think is the best, so that maybe i can follow on from your suggestion, and do that myself.


Depends what you mean. The Corleone and Rebel teams were made for this purpose.
In pairs? Definitely police officer.
I personally ALWAYS RP as a police officer, because its pretty hard not to.
But here is a no-brainer - Unemployed. You get to RP... pretty much anything within the rules guidelines, unlike the police. The police must RP safety of the citizens, ect. The Unemployed cannot, they can RP, an amusement park! But the police cant.

See what I mean?

All in All, Unemployed and Police officer is best for RPing in my opinion.
Thanks for the help guys, i think i will stick to un-employed!
I think I'll suggest Unemployed too.
Because you can be everything. ( You can RP everything too). Somethings are ofcourse against the rules.
Unemployed support the most RP possibilities. But the best group RP people are Police/SS, Corleones and Rebels, as they are in a group by default.
It all depends what you want to gain ( money, law & order, fun, chaos ) ....
Maybe run a restaurant ? God I love doing that !

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