Ban Request - [FL:RP] George & [FL:RP] Jacob1029
I kept walking into the lobby, and every time, George would try and taze/shoot me for no reason at all. I would even get killed by him then return say, 15minutes later, and he would do exactly the same by just tazing anyone in the lobby, so he was metagaming for a start.

As you can see, we tied him up to stop him fail RP'in all the time. I then hired jacob and some other guards to help me de arrest a friend in jail who had been arrest, george had already been killed in that 2nd video and he came straight back up so we tranq'd and tied him.

George the gundealer was actually with me selling stuff when i saw my friend getting arrested, so he followed me, he didnt shoot anyone he was just with me so he could complete the sale after.

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RE: Ban Request - [FL:RP] George & [FL:RP] Jacob1029 - by pvt pyles 95 - 12-30-2012, 02:46 AM

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