Uban Request baumbau
Your name: Baumbau

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:35146226

Banning Admin: Sniperwolf

Ban Length: 10k

Reason for the ban: "Failing at FearRP, Cardming me when I tried to talk to him about it - then d/c to avoid ban"

Why we should unban you: Ok heres the Story: I was running around a by the rock by um tunnel exit, when suddenly storm and sniperwolf stole my car. Then i borought Zellmers car to go after them. When i arrived at um, storm and sniperwolf came out and storm took out his gun pointing it at me. Then i drove backward to flee, looking back.
Then, so i thought, it lagged and i "lagged" back to the um. Usually it helps when i reconnect when it laggs that much. So i did. But then i accidently hit the windows key and it crashed.
Later, Zellmer told me, who was standing there, that the admin took me back with physgun but i swear i didnt see that because i was looking back while driving backward. And that overruning i didnt notice, i was just randomly hitting keys on the keyboard because i thought it lagged.
Edit: This was the first time i did something wrong, ive never been banned before

Thats true, hes got a shitty pc (laptop) and i told him what happened afterwards.
You mark that frame an 8, and you're entering a world of pain.
- Walther Sobchak
Well you were parked there, and after trying to steal your car, you had a complete lack of FearRP - do you even know what that means?
I'll unban you - but if you fail again, it gets x10, up to 100k.

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