How cold is it in your area?
Mercia? 0 Celsius to -10 Celsius depending.
It's about this cold

-1C close to Leeuwarden up in the north of Hollandia
60-70 earlier about 50-55 now.
about 50-60 F 10-15 C
My area's usually snug inside my panties so it's quite warm. i'd say 20 degrees or so
-6 C.
Got all excited earlier because it started snowing really heavy, that lasted about 10 minutes.
Then it started snowing after about 30 minutes, high hopes again! Only the have my dreams smashed another 10 minutes later.
This repeated for a few hours.
Damn British weather, toying with my emotions...I just want some proper snow!
too cold...
I ran out of ink again...
26 degrees all year round :/.. i wish my country had seasons lol
In Georgia during the day today it was like 70 F.

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