Unban Request - Marcykay
Your name: Marcykay

Your ban ID: 16883

Banned by: Mahti

Reason: 'Disobeying FearRP'

Involved: A

Why we should unban you: I just like to start of by saying I wasn't disobeying FearRP and I got banned before I could explain anything.

There was a hostage situation at the bar building in the forest. I was a civilian there (I know I shouldn't of been, but I was driving by and noticed a group of cars and thought there was some sort of event) I was driving the road to the pond area to fish, reaching the forest area with the bar, this happened :
After reaching the bar I found out there was a hostage situation, so I tried to leave the area by circling the bar building and driving over the grass, by doing this, I accidentally rammed into a police officer (He survived), another officer (Mahti) came up and asked me to get out of my vehicle. So before I got out I drove around 3 feet to park my car because it was on a slant and it was going to be awkward getting out. But when I got out of the vehicle, I was banned for FearRP. I wasn't disobeying it, I was parking my car so no-one else would get hurt, and I did get out of the vehicle and I still got banned for it. So for a conclusion, this ban was made too quickly and it was unfair, as the admin didn't hesitate to ban me.
"Time You Enjoy Wasting is Not Wasted Time"
[Image: 76561198009735389.png]
What about toast? Bread's already been baked.

No you continued driving away in gunpoint I stated in microphone couple of times and pointed car to your window

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