Ban Request. Prop minge.
Name of player: (Who you want to be banned?)

SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?)

Time in GMT: (When did it happen?)
‎Tuesday, ‎October ‎23, ‎2012, ‏‎11:15 AM GMT

Server: (On which of our servers did it happen? rp_EvoCity v2d or v33x?)
Summary: (What happened?)
Prop kill, prop minge
Evidence: (Try to get as much evidence you can get)
Click images for full size
[Image: th_hl22012-10-2318-09-58-71.jpg]
[Image: th_hl22012-10-2318-10-11-65.jpg]
[Image: th_hl22012-10-2318-11-53-13.jpg]
[Image: th_hl22012-10-2318-12-12-49.jpg]

[Image: th_hl22012-10-2318-18-33-97.jpg]
[Image: th_hl22012-10-2318-18-38-12.jpg]
Got some more on this guy, I'll post my video in this thread in a minute, when it's done uploading.

User already banned

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