Ban Request on Kakka Carrot Cake, Kalastaja & Caroline.
(10-02-2012, 10:49 AM)Mahti Wrote: I'm just curious about this ban request when you didn't provide any proof of metagaming for example, Your story also was they raided you for contra and then because you were "Mercenaries" and I seriously doubt grub would raid because of that.
And also if you discussed hour about situation what happened in the roof why do you have to put up ban request and tell Vauld is bias against your thoughts.

I'd like to point out that Kalastaja and Wweee admitted to raiding and killing us because our job roles were "Mercinary".

He admitted in that video. I agree I was a dick to Vauld and Grub but to be fair I felt that yes Vauld did listen but honestly the reason I feel it's biased and that I had to submit a ban request was because nothing was done. A simple slap on the wrist and off you pop kind of attitude... Except there was no slap on the wrist.

Kalastaja was meant to be banned from weapons. He was not banned from weapons when he was meant to be for 3K minutes (By his request might I add).

Members of this community know him as a Violent RPER which he blames on "FUMUKU" or something.

The reason I felt it was biased was they admitted and yet nothing was done regarding it which I feel was because of us being new-ish to the FearlessRP server. It may not be but the way that nothing happend felt a bit of a biased thing as Vauld and Grub thought we provoked them and replied with "Don't provoke Kala and you won't have problems" We never provoked him. Caroline was involved in the raid and admits in that pic that it was because of our job title. As does Wwee and Kala admit it in the video.

Honestly the evidence is there that he broke that rules. He's trigger happy and wants to RDM everyone.

Why the hell should he be allowed to get away with it?

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RE: Ban Request on Kakka Carrot Cake, Kalastaja & Caroline. - by TheMonsterMash - 10-02-2012, 12:28 PM

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