Ban Request on ☭Ciel☭
Name of player: ☭Ciel☭

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20874047

Time in GMT: (Around) 19:50 to 20:00 GMT+0 London, Greenwich

Server: rp_EvoCity v33x?

Summary: Saying "N*gger" twice in OOC, Swearing in OOC, Mass RDM, RDM to grab other people's things.


Side note: Sadlly i dont have Screenshots nor footage of the RDM, but i have Witnesses, [FL:RP] Barcelona and Sub-Zero (Not sure).

EDIT: Added one more reason in Summary (Swearing in OOC)
I was there, He said the N word, on top of that saying he is only on this server to troll. Broke NLR and Rdm'md a couple of times (witness)
Me and [FL:RP] Barcelona, a mate of mine were talking when the gun dealer (Paralyzer) came up and started to punch Barcelona. I pulled my knife to scare him off and he kept doing it. Eventually I got fed up and pulled out a deagle and shot the guy in the chest to warn him off. His friend (Ciel) was a taxi driver and started trying to run me over in his car. So when I killed the gun dealer punching me and my friend, the taxi driver jumped out and ran at me with a crowbar. In self defence I killed him and we dumped his car in the lake. Later returning to the city I see the gun dealer (Paralyzer) running towards me with a TMP. I run for cover but he shoots me to 80hp. I then pull out an AK-47 and kill him. His friend who was previously the taxi driver but was now a security guard came and shot me whilst I was typing. I asked in OOC: NLR Ciel and Paralyzer? Ciel replied
''lol time was up''
That's when I said ''You forget your life after you die. No matter about the 5 minute wait.''
He then began to insult me and eventually said that word.
I don't know all the Witnesses, thanks for stepping in Lee_myung_jae as one, and others who will eventually appear.
User banned for 1 Week, since he says he doesn't care about the server anyway.
Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.

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