Pandacidal, VertuCrunch, DirectorPHD, RulerofWax
I'm not a minge, I have made several friends on the server, and seem to not get along to a very select few amount of people, including you and S.J, Everyone in the server before you posted this ban thread even agreed that I wasn't the minge and that you were and would still agree, And why do you say that I think I am smart? I have so far seen better grammar and the points I have made have all been valid, Most of yours you have to stop with "Lets see if the admins make the right decision" I would post a ban thread on FuZe, but I know that it wouldn't be a perma and I would be wasting my time and fueling the already burning fire.

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RE: Pandacidal, VertuCrunch, DirectorPHD, RulerofWax - by Pandacidal - 07-28-2010, 08:45 AM

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