Ban Request for LL.Calhoon
Name of player: LL.Calhoon

SteamID:Steam id not found.

Time in GMT: 22:30 - 23:00 Finnish time, GMT2

Server: (On which of our servers did it happen? v33x

Summary: He killed 2 times me for no reason and he dont handcuff me. I found drugs and he dont help me.

Evidence: I have YouTube video:
I speaking him same time but idk why fraps dont want get my mic.
Ban Request Reviewed and was Accepted.

Lt. Calhoon was banned for 1 day (Shooting someone instead of arresting them as a cop)

Additional punishment was given to the up-loader due to not following FearRP as a cop told him to leave at gunpoint.

Ghinni Wink was banned for 1 day aswell.

Ban Request Closed.
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