Hey guys, I am selling a AWP. I would like offers for this Sniper, also add me on steam my name is: "theundeadchay". When I am online just contact me, or you can /pm me IG. My name is: "Chay Summerhayes". I will trade from there, just offer a price here please and tell me that I am trying to contact you so I know that you want to get in touch.

AWP in stock: (1).
14k Steam: Verenikin
(08-23-2012, 07:44 AM)Verenikin Wrote: 14k Steam: Verenikin
Deal, I added you.
I sold my item, please close it.
(08-23-2012, 10:29 AM)Zatox Wrote: I sold my item, please close it.

Change your thread title to [SOLD]

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