Harry apple
Player name:Harry Apple

SteamID (if possible): didnt get it

Time in GMT: ca. 15:20 GMT +1

Summary: I had raided as Corleone harry in the tryage with he's contras, my weapons was a knife and my tranq sniper, I tranq him and knife him when he lays down and destroy the contra, when i realize i cant pull back my tranq i need ammo, so im waiting for the gundealer in bp when harry apple shows up and Kills me NLR RDM and steals my tranq.

Evidence: i cant prove any thing because i dont took picturs in the moment i got backstapped so if you could check the log
it would be great
No evidence. No steam ID,

Harry Apple is your default IG mane when you join... It's not his steam name..
Yeah .. what shark said.

There's literally NO proof - and we don't even know the guy's name - just his in-game name (the default one)

Closed due to lack of evidence.

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