Ban with no clear reason?!
Your name: †Talipallo^»FIN†

Your Ban ID: 13011

Banned by: [FL] Temar

Server: v33x

Involved: [FL:RP] Verdat (banned too for same reason for same time, shared my clock with him)

Why we should unban you: I wasn't hacking.

Additional information: I want clearance to why I was banned!
First of all, reason is "cheating/hacking/gameplay tampering".
I don't have any kinds of hacks and I would never think of even downloading hacks. I MADE A CLOCK!
Is a clock which shows current time a hack?! Is it wrong to hate closing Garry's Mod and seeing the time from sidebar?!
And then making a clock? To get 14d ban. Can someone tell me and my friend Verdat why we were banned from CLOCK?!?!

Sincerely, †Talipallo^»FIN†
I need proof of this
So you scripted an in-game clock?

Can you please provide some evidence of this?
Do you want the code?
Here it is:

if (SERVER) then

if (CLIENT) then

    function clockhud()
        draw.RoundedBox( 6, ScrW()*0.932, ScrH()*0.925, 128, 46, Color( 125, 125, 125, 200 ) )
        draw.SimpleText( "%a, %H:%M:%S" ), "TabLarge", ScrW()*0.947, ScrH()*0.932, Color( 30, 144, 255, 255 ),0,0)
        draw.SimpleText( "%d/%m/20%y" ), "TabLarge", ScrW()*0.9475, ScrH()*0.946, Color( 30, 144, 255, 255 ),0,0)
    hook.Add("HUDPaint", "clockhud", clockhud)

And here is a picture.
[Image: hl220120728144715401.png]

I sent the EXACT same code to Verdat
If image doesn't show up fully, copy image url.
Your call Temar
looks good enough too me, please send me the full file tho, so when i code more detailed checks i can make sure your clock is treated as false positive and not bacon bot
someone else close and unban im at work
also need his W access back
Sure, pm: d that to u. Smile

Both bans has been removed and the two users has been unbanned.

Moved to approved.

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