Ban request Andreas
Name of player: Andreas

Involved: Me, Simoon (who I got the evidence pics from) and Andreas

SteamID: Don't know, were a bunch of them.

Time: About 20-30 minutes ago. (Around 21.20 Swedish time)

Server: v2d

Summary: Prop blocked (invisible wall). Said he was admin, RDM, broke NLR and fail RP.

Evidence: [Image: DADD316757AA45745778943A836EDE596A47C94A][Image: CB9823403DFAF3C4DB6B1F3E3E1EE5F86ED2189C]
[Image: 01A5164F6174F74A92F059B06429B26358BC6840]
Why did i say WTF in ooc , cant remeber..hmmmmm.....
Pending investigation.
That's not the Admin Andreas. SteamID's don't match. User permabanned for impersonating.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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