Ban Request Aarontheshirt
Name of player: Aarontheshirt

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:2652286

Time in GMT: earlier today

Server: v2d

Summary: he was riding his props around the city and then he lost control and it hit and killed a paramedic.


[Image: 52BAC924DC796756CC47BD281A0819AFB8B52631]

[Image: 6B967CA00AC7FD80F1A9ED1FE45FA04FFEC20FEF]

[Image: E1C651E3B03460FE405FCB71271B8EE1E2D38677]
Ok, so I was there watching it all so I believe I am allowed to post here. Aaron didn't kill that paramedic, the paramedic killed himself with the props then the paramedic said in OOC 'lololololol'. Aaron told me that he was testing out this sled for an RP, possibly the carnival RP. I told him he should test it out somewhere more private and he did in Cub Foods I believe. It may look like minging but in my opinion he didn't really disrupt anything, there were no cars on the road at the time and he was moving at walking speed so he couldn't run anyone over. The props were only dangerous if you decided to try and kill yourself with it like the paramedic.
Well unfortunately he broke several rules no matter what he was trying to do.

Ban request approved.
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