My friend got banned for 3 days cuz he CDMS.

but after 3 minutes anther player do the same fowl and he was puting only on the blacklist for 30 minutes...

thats not fair lol

1 screen:http://www.bilder-space.de/show_img.php?img=2376d0-1339816821.png&size=original
2 screen: http://www.bilder-space.de/show_img.php?...e=original

pls unban him..

Reason:intentional CDMS this is not GTA
Banned for 3 Days
Banned By [FL] Beflok
Uhh yeah he was driving around trying to run people over earlier I phys gunned him froze and told him to stop. I came back 10 minutes later and saw him doing the same thing...

The guy I blacklisted ran a guy over ONE guy intentional but at least he got out to say he was sorry to the player.

You cannot post unban reqs for other people.

I also told you IN GAME to quit asking for his unban did I not?

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