[Official][Pas/Agr] Umbrella Corporation [CLOSED]
Your Steam Name : kalastaja
Your Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:20322366
Your InGame Name : Mr.Guevara
Your Real Age : 17
How many hours did you spent on the server : 103
Your Ban History : 1 time
The Division you are applying for:Umbrella Corporation Biohazard Countermeasures Service:Lieutenant
Why this division ? because i know how to break in secure buildings and how to help my fellow soldiers stay alive + i got resources this division may need
Strength doesn't come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Unofficial][Pas/Agr] Umbrella Corporation - by Kalastaja - 04-17-2012, 09:05 AM

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