Comic questions
Okay, Every week im going to post a question, you all answer it, the answer I think is the best will be shown in bold and you get the honour of having your

The first question is,
If you could remove any law what would it be and why ?
remove "drugs are illegal". Cause then everyone could runa round being high! Cheese
Ray William Johnsen much?
Free cdm'ing!
Its awesome when you drive into someone realy fast, and then he just flyes with a realy high speed! xD
Free speech.
(10-29-2010, 09:29 PM)FLYING NORTHMAN Wrote: Ray William Johnsen much?

What so just because he askes people questions means im copying him ?
Um.... I give up on my answer :[
Okay, Im ending this one early because its the new week,
The one I have chosen is ....
Quote:Posted by Skaara Dreadlocks - 10-30-2010 06:12 AM
remove "drugs are illegal". Cause then everyone could runa round being high!
Ah skaara, You little druggy
This weeks comic question is ....
What are you doing today ?
Weee Cheese Today I got out my HK G36 softgun with full-loaded battery and a magazine with 330 bullets in it, put it on automatic and just RAGED at stuff!!! Cheese It was Awesome ^^ And I ate some cheese after that :]
Stalking your mom.

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