Additional text:

Just to add a few more details on how Pollux changed his story in a desperate attempt to find grounds in order to deny my UBR
[Image: image.png]
Firstly making some stupid claims regarding timezones, I don't think there has ever been an other case where such thing was argued regarding that rule. As I mentioned before this has nothing to do with timzeones, 7 days is 168 hours, those 168 hours were well over when Pollux decided to reply ( Keep in mind he only concluded it after I messaged him on discord about it )
[Image: image.png]
Deciding not to apply the rule until the end of the day, although it was quite obvious he was supposed it ( Bias towards me? )
[Image: image.png]
Deciding the rule is not relevant? While the 7 days were well over?
I would also like to once again mention how Pollux at first said he would be making a reply later that day
[Image: image.png]
but once he realized he was in the wrong he rushed to deny it, without mentioning the UBR rule at all nor allowing me to make one final reply when I quite literally asked him, I do understand that he did not need to wait for my reply, however the way I see it if you have nothing to hide you would not mind allowing someone one more reply
[Image: image.png?width=1067&height=676]
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

Messages In This Thread
Polluxz - by Enzyme - 11-17-2022, 03:52 PM
RE: Polluxz - by Doctor Internet - 11-17-2022, 03:52 PM
RE: Polluxz - by Enzyme - 11-18-2022, 03:56 PM
RE: Polluxz - by Pollux - 11-18-2022, 04:06 PM
RE: Polluxz - by Enzyme - 11-18-2022, 04:48 PM
RE: Polluxz - by Doctor Internet - 11-25-2022, 01:30 PM

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