Steam Name: MonkeyDustFTW

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:419707422

BanID: 82619

Ban Reason
FearRP breakage x2, breaking rule 9.3. Was warned far too many times. Time to read the rules. | Extended by Joe Joe

Staff Member: [FL:T] Jonas

Involved users
Myself and Jonas.

Why should you be unbanned?
Posting on behalf of MonkeyDustFTW. Words are exactly his.

Hello, Firstly if you have noticed since i have been back on the Fearless forums i have been role playing passively and aggressively both in which i have not caused any issues but my warnings etc. have all came from me being in a car i just get so carried away and with the new update i can drive like a maniac and still not lose much HP on the car so i carry on and on which is very stupid and it has now got me banned for being so silly and pathetic inside of vehicles. Please may i have a chance to come back to the servers in exchange for like a vehicle blacklist i do not mind for how long that blacklist is 1 day, 1 month, 1 year or even permanent as i feel all my issues and problems are happening in a car and i cant help myself as soon as i get in the car i enjoy myself way too much to the point i start driving past the rules.
Hello MonkeyDustFTW,

I'll start off by saying that I gave you 3 warnings beforehand, 1 of those warnings was 20 minutes before this incident happend. I gave you a warning for minging with the tow-truck. You and another mechanic went ahead and took three tow-trucks and towed them together and just screamed down your microphones whilst driving down mainstreet. I let you off with a warning in the hopes that you would finally follow the rules. I even told you that next time you broke the rules you would be blacklisted.

Now 20 mintues later you were (I believe) a rebel, and you were driving around in a police car that was stolen. You went up and down mainstreet with sirens and lights on and basically cop-baiting, I thought that I would just watch you and see if you would do anything else and then I would warn you. Then a raid starts all of a sudden and you drive up to the raiders who are fully armed and in the middle of a raid and just scream "This some gang shit" or something alike. You are therefore breaking FearRP, FailRPing and you really aren't considering your life as a priority at all. I believe that we spoke for a good 30 minutes (around?) about this entire situation and I tried my best to explain to you why this was a ban. I gave you a lot of warnings beforehand and it all ended up biting you back. Not only did you break those two rules, you also broke rule 9.3 You kept driving into things with your stolen police car and you were cop-baiting really hardly by just crashing into alot of things outside nexus and on mainstreet.

I already told you this but I will say it again; just because it all happend in a vehicle does not mean a vehicle blacklist is neccecary. You broke FearRP by driving into an active gun fight. A vehicle blacklist wouldn't make sense for any of this and to be quite honest I would've expected better from you man. I let you off three times before finally giving you a ban. I was being very lenient with you because I thought I'd see you roleplay and have fun instead of ending up breaking the rules. And to answer the question you also asked me in-game; yes you can have fun, as long as it is all within the rules.

I hope I enlightend why you were banned here, and before this gets concluded (or after) I hope that you've read the rules once more to ensure that when you come back you will be fully aware of the rules. I will be honest and say that I do not support an unban due to the sole fact that you broke all the chances I've given to you. I really hope you learn from this mistake.
[Image: edfa8a344463b04e45f386ad4525099e.png]
(08-28-2019, 03:06 PM)Jonas Wrote: Hello MonkeyDustFTW,

I'll start off by saying that I gave you 3 warnings beforehand, 1 of those warnings was 20 minutes before this incident happend. I gave you a warning for minging with the tow-truck. You and another mechanic went ahead and took three tow-trucks and towed them together and just screamed down your microphones whilst driving down mainstreet. I let you off with a warning in the hopes that you would finally follow the rules. I even told you that next time you broke the rules you would be blacklisted.

Now 20 mintues later you were (I believe) a rebel, and you were driving around in a police car that was stolen. You went up and down mainstreet with sirens and lights on and basically cop-baiting, I thought that I would just watch you and see if you would do anything else and then I would warn you. Then a raid starts all of a sudden and you drive up to the raiders who are fully armed and in the middle of a raid and just scream "This some gang shit" or something alike. You are therefore breaking FearRP, FailRPing and you really aren't considering your life as a priority at all. I believe that we spoke for a good 30 minutes (around?) about this entire situation and I tried my best to explain to you why this was a ban. I gave you a lot of warnings beforehand and it all ended up biting you back. Not only did you break those two rules, you also broke rule 9.3 You kept driving into things with your stolen police car and you were cop-baiting really hardly by just crashing into alot of things outside nexus and on mainstreet.

I already told you this but I will say it again; just because it all happend in a vehicle does not mean a vehicle blacklist is neccecary. You broke FearRP by driving into an active gun fight. A vehicle blacklist wouldn't make sense for any of this and to be quite honest I would've expected better from you man. I let you off three times before finally giving you a ban. I was being very lenient with you because I thought I'd see you roleplay and have fun instead of ending up breaking the rules. And to answer the question you also asked me in-game; yes you can have fun, as long as it is all within the rules.

I hope I enlightend why you were banned here, and before this gets concluded (or after) I hope that you've read the rules once more to ensure that when you come back you will be fully aware of the rules. I will be honest and say that I do not support an unban due to the sole fact that you broke all the chances I've given to you. I really hope you learn from this mistake.
Hello Jonas,

Firstly i would like to thank you for the reply, Secondly like i said when writing this all my warnings came from when i was in a car then still when in a car i was in a stolen police car driving round just you know driving round it was quite recklessly but i would also like to add when i went up to the raider and said "Thats some gang shit" the raider looked at me and walked away realising i was not a officer of the law can i ask you Jonas when i said that to the raider how come you did not pick me up then if that was the rule break i was being banned for how come it took you for me to drive off and crash into a lampost for you to then pick me up and ban me for saying that? Also when the cops were shooting at me they gave up after a while as there were more important things to do (Defending the nexus) this is why i came back into the city

Many Thanks
Hello MonkeyDustFTW,

I already told you this - just because the things you did all happened in a car, does not mean you should be given a vehicle blacklist. It all comes down to the situation. You broke FearRP in a car, twice, that doesn't mean you should get a vehicle blacklist. In regards to why I waited with picking you up, it's just a basic thing to wait it out and see if you break any more rules. If you've broken them once then there is a big chance you'll continue, and that's exactly what happened. Please don't try and pin any of this to me when it was, in fact, you who broke the rules. The fact that they shot at your car should also be a warning sign to you as to not re-enter the city.

I don't really have anything else to add because everything there needs to be said has been said, I'd say we should await an administrators conclusion.
[Image: edfa8a344463b04e45f386ad4525099e.png]
--| Denied |--

As Jonas states being in a car doesn't mean that the violation should be taken as a Vehicle restriction and so the ban will remain.
Joe Joe
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