Police Officer Unblack list

Time/Date:I dont Know When Like A Week Ago

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:20494047

Blacklisted JobToungeolice Officer

Admin who blacklisted you:I dont Know Either

Reason why you should be unblacklisted:Well i was shooting and i was testing like target practice then i got blacklisted i dont know why the bullets hit no one i swear to god
But isnt it pretty fail rp for an officer, just to line up and shoot, to practice your shooting skills?
If you wanna practice your shooting skills, make a firing range or visit one in the city if somebody have made one.
If you want to practise, go use singleplayer, dont come onto RP and do that because its likely it kill someone(its possible to richochet), personally I dont think he should get unblacklisted cause ive seen him taze and abuse before.
[Image: source.gif]
We have no interest in unblacklisting you, until you prove us you can properly RP.


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