FL's content and gamemode
If you don’t want fearless to have a string of updates changing the game to be more appealing to players who currently play on other servers which currently have a very similar Playstyle to fearless but more feature packed and enjoyable, because those communities took that direction which gave them further success, then you’re prioritising your own nostalgia over the integrity of the server, anchoring the thing you’re trying to save as the server sinks beneath the depths far below servers like “EPICRP FNAF DARKRP | BITCOIN | M9K | 10 MILL START | HIRING STAFF”.

To put it simply, what is nostalgic to some is old and dated for others.

Arguments like “Garrys mod is a dead game”, “People don’t have time to play gmod rp anymore”, “CityRP is dying” are all entirely wrong, this is one of the only OG CityRP Servers suffering this fate. I can bring up the gametracker graphs of activity on competing servers and entirely disprove these points. Even a particular DarkRP shitehole who’s name begins with Z has managed to bounce back, ironically, Literally as a CityRP Server.

Garrys mod developers are literally pushing the boundaries of this game to a point inconceivable to even the most talented Gmod developer this time 5 years ago.

I speak to people who played this server 10 years ago and not a single one knew this was even still a thing. It’s inaccessible and unappealing to the gmod community. I haven’t a shadow of doubt in my mind that this server can be turned around for the better, just not like this. All the ideas people have are dead weights and temporary solutions.

Changing maps, will not bring players back regularly on its own, because people will look at the new map, then realise it’s the same game still and leave.
Resetting the economy on a game that literally sells money is a shit idea and would only drive players away and leave less competition for other players to shit up millions of dollars in a week of grinding simply because there is no threat to their lives.
Adding new weapons would only work to change the metas of the game rather than changing the game style.

What would bring in players? Making the gamemode more feature packed and unique, and getting the word out about fearless, allowing more people to know about it and play the game more. The 2 key points of any successful gmod servers is there needs to be unique experiences 

Seeing this fairly large group of people talk about how the servers dead and what they should do to fix it is entirely ironic, you can fix the game by mutually agreeing to play it regularly lol, if it’s so fun how it is, where the fuck are y’all at? If you’re complaining that the game was ruined by updates, you are batshit insane. If you had your way, this would probably be a thread called “Possibility of bringing back the FearlessRP server?” Talking about how much fun we all had here until it shut down  5 years ago.

Jessixa for community management ASAP pronto.
I feel like I'm Gucci Mane in 2006

Messages In This Thread
FL's content and gamemode - by Grape - 05-31-2022, 03:09 PM
RE: FL's content and gamemode - by Awestruck - 05-31-2022, 04:13 PM
RE: FL's content and gamemode - by B33n - 05-31-2022, 04:30 PM
RE: FL's content and gamemode - by Pollux - 05-31-2022, 04:54 PM
RE: FL's content and gamemode - by B33n - 05-31-2022, 05:24 PM
RE: FL's content and gamemode - by Jimmy The - 05-31-2022, 10:28 PM
RE: FL's content and gamemode - by Pollux - 05-31-2022, 10:59 PM
RE: FL's content and gamemode - by Vauld - 06-01-2022, 03:13 AM
RE: FL's content and gamemode - by B33n - 06-01-2022, 05:57 PM

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