A Pickle for the Knowing Ones (serious)
Could experienced members of the fearless community explain to me as to why when creating an unbaneth request THE ADMIN WHO BANNED YOU is allowed to close it.

  1. Each response should be as narrowly focussed as possible - motivate the problem, explain how your answer solves that
  2. problem, and defend it against objection. 
  3. Don’t include historical background, lists of alternative positions, or extraneous factoids.
  4. Do define technical terms clearly, make each step in your argument explicit, and consider including an illustrative example.
  5. You are not expected to do any outside research for this assignment (although you may if you wish).
  6. Follow standard referencing practice, and clearly cite any sources that you draw on for specific claims.
  7. If you have clarificatory questions about this assignment, please ask me and only me.

thanks yous

pete and bas

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A Pickle for the Knowing Ones (serious) - by Fry - 12-18-2020, 06:56 PM

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