T H E A N T I L I B T A R D#0602
Steam Name: Quacker

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:229381389

BanID: 83645

Ban Reason
Disrespect me

Staff Member: Violet DE Kittie

Involved users
Violet De Kittie, Edned, And J. Williams

Why should you be unbanned?
Hello There, I am asking that I be unbanned Because I feel I was banned by emotions and for a not for a real reason. How did the situation start? It started with my friend and I getting in a roleplay argument, Then he attacked me and it brought me down to half health so therefore I pulled out the gun I had and I put 3 rounds in the way he ran hitting him once or twice. Then before I could reload a physgun came and grabbed me and brought me to the admin sit roof. Then miss Violet DE Kittie told me that I broke 3 rules, She told me “ That I Broke rule 7.1 and I committed rdm” so I tried to explain to her that it was self defense and I tried to define it to her and  she said “shut up before I mute you” so I just sat there and she put me down and I said “The way u moderate is Bad” and then I got a kick with no defined reason. Once I was kicked J. Williams came to my defense and started to debate with her on the rules I “broke” and how he didn't even call an @sit she just grabbed me. Then I joined back in the server and Violet DE Kittie Was talking in very bad English so I said “that her English was very bad and I lost brain cells” and “I said that Fearless Gaming should only have people who can understand English fluently should have powers.” Then before I knew it I had a screen saying I was banned for 2 days.

Messages In This Thread
T H E A N T I L I B T A R D#0602 - by QUACKER - 10-21-2020, 07:56 PM
RE: T H E A N T I L I B T A R D#0602 - by Edned - 10-21-2020, 08:04 PM
RE: T H E A N T I L I B T A R D#0602 - by QUACKER - 10-21-2020, 09:08 PM
RE: T H E A N T I L I B T A R D#0602 - by QUACKER - 10-22-2020, 05:56 PM
RE: T H E A N T I L I B T A R D#0602 - by QUACKER - 10-22-2020, 09:43 PM

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