Steam Name: Lt_PsychoFox

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:235085420

BanID: 82666

Ban Reason
Enourmous Prop Mingery - spawned in a load of bathtubs and froze the server for a solid 20 minutes // Extended by Ranger

Staff Member: [FL:T] Jonas

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?
I love this server. I put very much time in it, love the community and love the whole game in general. I would never think of purposely doing something like that. I have no idea how it happened. I was afk, which could be probabily be proven by H.Waters and Naisu. Why? I had contraband in my house and went afk. When I came back for a minute I was already in jails, arrested by them. I also was afk after I got out of the prison. The reason for which I have no proof(sadly) is, that I had to walk the dog, clean the attic with my mother and go shopping. All in a row. I forgot to set my job to afk though, and never thought anything bad would happen. When I came back for the last time before the server crash, I indeed saw the bathtubs. I never thought they were mine, and I didnt know, so I didnt think about it. Then I noticed the server was crashing, so I disconnected before going to eat. When I tried to get back on a few minutes later it said that I was banned from the server. I dont know what happened and cant give a certain theory, but there are a few things that could have caused this. First of all, my sister was the only person in my room all the time. Maybe she was it. She denied any involvement. But I dont know to believe her. Another thing is that my mouse was having technical difficuties lately, and was also lying under a bunch of cables. That are the only reasons I can name that could have caused this. As already said, I dont kow what was going on. All I would ask for is to be unbanned. I love this server with all my heart since I joined, I always tried to rp with friends and I love the community. And although I have no proof, I know there are enough people like Devon, Quannter and Niko who know me well and know I would never do this. I will now always remember to go onto the AFK job if I actually go AFK, and I hope I will be able to join the server tomorrow to greet you all and rp with you. Thank you for reading.

Messages In This Thread
Lt_PsychoFox - by Stahlkartoffel - 09-07-2019, 05:15 PM
RE: Lt_PsychoFox - by Jonas - 09-07-2019, 05:26 PM
RE: Lt_PsychoFox - by Stahlkartoffel - 09-07-2019, 06:06 PM
RE: Lt_PsychoFox - by Ranger - 09-08-2019, 11:26 PM

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