Reported User(s): xdavidex007

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:180032770

Date & Time (GMT): 18/6/19 @ 10am GMT

Summary of the incident
So I was doing an delivery job and this player , xdavidex007 , RDM me with an shotgun near the empire hotel & burger king . 
I didn't record it because I don't record everyday but I did have proof of me asking him why did he RDM me and I need his reasons for that.

He stated the following points.

- He said he shot me to scare me but error I kill you 
- He said he scare me to mug me ….
- He forgot the city is an public area …

I did told him that this is unacceptable and if you are an thief or mugger , you have to be very sneaky about it and not shoot someone straight away without like putting them in fear RP . 

 Video of me asking him why did he RDM me 

Here are some screenshots of me asking him ( incase you can't see what I was saying / asking him why did he RDM me )

[Image: IMG-20190618-182958.jpg]
[Image: IMG-20190618-183006.jpg]
[Image: IMG-20190618-183016.jpg]
[Image: IMG-20190618-183026.jpg]

This is all the evidence I have .
[Image: 1619639714462.png]

Messages In This Thread
xdavidex007 - by Jessixa - 06-18-2019, 10:33 AM
RE: xdavidex007 - by Kippsee - 06-18-2019, 07:02 PM

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