Steam Name: hg00098

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:180006068

BanID: 82203

Ban Reason
BRA (92718) – RDM X2, mass breakage of failrp

Staff Member: [FL] Kippsee

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?
Your name: hg00098

Your ban ID: 82203

Steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:180006068

Reason: BRA (92718) – RDM X2, mass breakage of failrp

Staff member who banned you: [FL] Kippsee

Reason why you should be unbanned:
     I would like to start of this UBR with sincere apologies to those who I annoyed last night, It was 5AM GMT and which would be about 12PM EST for me and FL only had around 5 – 11 people playing on the server, even though the lack of people is no excuse for what I did. I do admit to RDM-ing random people and saw it as a joke and didn’t think about how Violet Kittie would have felt felt about being RDM’ed during the pressure of the situation. In no way or form did I mean to annoy her specifically as I just pointed and shot at random people. I messed up and I would be greatly thankful for a second chance but understand if I don't deserve it.

Messages In This Thread
hg00098 - by hg00098 - 05-04-2019, 11:10 PM
RE: hg00098 - by Kippsee - 05-09-2019, 05:25 PM

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