Steam Name: NEMxDman

SteamID: 0:0:72767734

BanID: 78671

Ban Reason
Double account of RevivedzMennace

Staff Member: Jonas

Involved users
Myself, staff members and other players on the server

I have been banned from the server for a year now and over this past year I have matured a lot, I realise that what I was doing on the server is wrong and ruined the experience for everyone else, which isn't fair. I was foolish and did all of those mingey things to make people laugh, but it ended with me having a bad reputation and a permanent ban.As for the double accounting, that was just pure stupidity and lack of patience on my behalf, I couldn't be bothered to wait those 5 days to be unbanned and resulted to double accounting, which I know I shouldn't have done and there is not excuse for it. If I am unbanned I will not do it again as I will not have any reason to (I won't get banned again is what I mean).

I have taken a lot of time to go over the rules to ensure that I understand them and will not violate them again. I would like to ask for a second chance to prove that I can role play properly and become a valued member of the fearless community. I would also like to take time to apologies to everyone in the community for ruining your experiences and wasting staff time. Everyone deserves a second chance, I just hope that you will give me it.

]Merry Christmas to you all

Messages In This Thread
NEMxDman - by NEMxDman - 12-25-2018, 12:15 AM
RE: NEMxDman - by Captain Barry - 01-04-2019, 11:23 PM

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