PR on Chrille
Name of the players: Chrille

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:57570458

GMT: Near 16:00

Server: V4B1

Summary:Tried to arrest him although he instantly left when i handcuffed him.

The arrest and disconnect:
[Image: Screenshot-from-2018-12-02-17-19-05.png]
Proof that is his name:
[Image: Screenshot-from-2018-12-02-17-19-38.png]

Messages In This Thread
PR on Chrille - by Anton. - 12-02-2018, 04:29 PM
RE: PR on Chrille - by chrill3 - 12-02-2018, 07:00 PM
RE: PR on Chrille - by [LT] Sparx - 12-06-2018, 06:24 PM

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