[FL:RP] Reindator!
1 I don't have to awnser you what I am gonna do to other people and don't have to explain my reasons to you, except you're the President or someone over my rank. (Or an admin who asks OOC).

2 I didn't even read your job title so if you was a citizien I would do the same thing. It has nothing to do with metagaming by the way.

3 I say the ramp is a part of nexus and also a part of an area where you shouldn't go. When you are on the ramp, it could lead to a raid or something else, because the place after the ramp is the garage, which is also not allowed to enter as a non-government official.

4 "2. You count it as a tresspasing area. I ran from Nexus Street to Nexus Garage - Access Ramp which wasn't against the law."

Can you show me that it is not in the law. Because permanentlaw 5 says something else.

5 RBTDN arrested you, I stated something wrong, but it doesn't really matter. You got arrested and this is the point of my argument.

6 Who cares what you would do in the situation? It's me getting reported not you!

7 All the lies, like I saw your job title "Latin Gangster", are the worst lies I have ever read on this forums.

8 I can't tell anymore, why I arrested him but it's an other thing. You complain that you got arrested randomly, why complaining that I am not giving you a reason for the other one. It's not even your business.

Messages In This Thread
[FL:RP] Reindator! - by Younathan420 - 11-10-2018, 04:37 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Reindator! - by Predator! - 11-11-2018, 03:43 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Reindator! - by Younathan420 - 11-12-2018, 01:01 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Reindator! - by Predator! - 11-12-2018, 02:10 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Reindator! - by Younathan420 - 11-12-2018, 06:18 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Reindator! - by Predator! - 11-12-2018, 06:45 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Reindator! - by User 12049 - 11-14-2018, 05:04 PM

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