Your name: Paul

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:200223448

Your Steam Name: Ghendry

Your Ban ID: 79741

Banned by: Random

Reason: Powergaming

Reason why you should be unbanned:

At the time I had low hours,Fl is a confusing place with a lot of different scenarios not listed on the rule page, it was a confusing situation and I didn't realise it was not allowed.
I believe the incident taught me that admins can and will ban you without any discussion.
Random is no longer an admin and as such can't deny this himself.
Random over the time he has been staff only ever came on to swing his "mighty hammer".

I believe any other staff member would not of issued the punishment.
I believe the ban should be removed.
Powergaming is about forcing a roleplay onto someone, if the person initiated the rp and left the rp open to interpretation then it is not powergaming.

Thank you for reading this.

Rule 3. Keep your request objective and prevent strong language.

I believe I am pretty on point and I believe no strong language was used.

Thanks again.

Messages In This Thread
UBR - by Aspire - 10-13-2018, 12:10 AM
RE: UBR - by Random - 10-17-2018, 07:05 PM
RE: UBR - by Tomo - 10-17-2018, 07:14 PM

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