First of all, we can understand the frustration you must be facing in terms of having to wait a blacklist out.

The blacklist was given to you after the team unanimously decided that a blacklist would suffice over a year long ban. Due to the fact that you have gone from a year long ban to an 168 hour blacklist, it is lenient enough. This allows you to play the server which you love to be apart of, but still face punishment for your mistake. We have been kind already by removing you from a permanent suspension and now a year long ban. Hopefully throughout the duration of your punishment you will be able to get through it and have a better knowledge of the rules on the other end.

This has been closed and denied.

Many thanks,

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UBLR - by JackZ - 07-09-2018, 10:11 AM
RE: UBLR - by Forgee - 07-14-2018, 04:14 PM

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