PR: Dimitris
Name of player: Dimitris 

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:127839448

Time in GMT: Around 10:40AM

Server: V5P

Summary: Basically I was looking for a place to base in with a friend, and I went to slums. There was just a car there but no people inside the slums (didn't check the apartments though) so when I just entered I saw David STEAM_(0:0:175743596) come from behind with a weapon out and told me and my friend to face the wall. So we did. And Dimitris came. He lied about me shooting him, when I had less than 10 minutes on the server, and I was trying to talk to him, even though I was armed, I never took it out or was in any way a threat to him, as I was already under gunpoint, he killed me on sight, without any warns that he was going to if I talked. (He did write that while he was shooting me which clearly showed I had no time to stop talking). After this he stole my car, and told me he was gonna PR me if I reconnected to join.. I find Dimitri a really toxic player in general, and because of our unfriendly past he keeps doing this over and over again. He then came up to me again and killed me again for insulting him, he claimed in OOC I broke FearRP which I think I did not, and called me a child for not following the rules. I do not like his attitude at all, and even though I try to stay as far away from problems with him as I can, he still ends up ruining the fun for me especially when server population is low. 

[Image: nqD5vdF.png]
Fearless Donator 

Messages In This Thread
PR: Dimitris - by Aryen - 06-08-2018, 11:13 AM
RE: PR: Dimitris - by Dimitris - 06-08-2018, 12:29 PM
RE: PR: Dimitris - by Captain Barry - 06-08-2018, 12:35 PM
RE: PR: Dimitris - by Tomo - 06-09-2018, 06:36 PM

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