PR on L3ttuce and Lowkeyed
Name of player: L3ttuce, Lowkeyed

SteamID:  L3ttuce     :STEAM_0:0:171876935
                     Lowkeyed : STEAM_0:1:10827689

Time in GMT: 00:10 (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam

Server: the only roleplay server we have.

Summary: Accused of (L3ttuce): Breaking FearRP, asking to be killed, CDM. (Lowkeyed) stepping on a body

So what happened was that L3ttuce rammed straight into nexus and cdm'ed the president and VP (unfortunately not on video) so I started shooting because he tried to attempt it for the 2nd time. instead of finishing it he got out of the vehicle and ran, Liam and I caught him but L3ttuce kept breaking FearRP, ignoring our commands. We tased him 3 times and the 3rd time Lowkeyed stepped on his body.

If someone has the CDM on video, please provide it


(My recordings didn't record my mic, unfortunately)
Kind regards,

[Image: X8prSQG.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
PR on L3ttuce and Lowkeyed - by Weezy_ - 04-21-2018, 10:28 PM
RE: PR on L3ttuce and Lowkeyed - by Exotic - 04-22-2018, 12:24 AM

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