2 diffrent peopel
Your SteamID:  [b]STEAM_0:1:127743766[/b]

Your ban ID: 79032

Banned by: DVN

Reason: DA

InvolvedCheeseNV Gamberionos Highwaytohell

Why we should unban you: i have a broth who went to corlege and be bouth uesd the same pc i cna Show u that we are to differt persons

[b]Your name: Highway to hell

Your ban ID: 79032

Steam ID:    STEAM_0:1:127743766

Reason: DA

Staff member who banned you: DNV

[b]Reason why you should be unbanned: Casue i am the brother of[/b]

Messages In This Thread
2 diffrent peopel - by Aimware - 11-11-2017, 07:05 PM
RE: 2 diffrent peopel - by DVN - 11-13-2017, 10:11 PM

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