Player report by Chris ON : Zombie and Razz
I'm just emphasizing of what happened about the entire situation. I gave enough reason about why I had to kill you but let me remind you again.
1. We were under pressure by the government as we were shot from different directions.
2. Then a tranq came out of no where, he tranqed Razz and I had to kill him so that only adds more pressure on us because we know there are tranqs around.
3. You are nothing but a complete liability in the raid. We just can't taking you with us and babysit you.
4. While prop blocking is OOC and nothing to do with you, but it was there. It was giving us a disadvantage for us and for you. Like I said, we had to enter the nexus garage instead of the main entrance while we were being shot at and chased, there is no point of keeping you alive because shots were fired and we were fighting. Like in hostage situations, when shots are fired, the hostage will die regardless of the circumstances of whether or not the hostage corporated with the hostage takers.

" you were directly aggresively pushing towards the nexus." Ok, what's your point? What are you trying to accomplish with this statement? We were raiding the nexus so obviously it's going to involve an aggressive push.
"Razz still tied me up to disarme me" You will get be disarm as soon as you will get tied up, what's your point? What are you trying to accomplish with this?

I rest my case.

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RE: Player report by Chris ON : Zombie and Razz - by konsta - 11-11-2017, 03:19 AM

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