Player Report RDM
Name of player: macen bobo Lucy fox

SteamID: (macen) STEAM_0:0:87484078  (bobo) STEAM_0:0:193447733  (lucy fox) STEAM_0:1:175850720

Time in GMT: Around 01:00 (GMT time from google)
Server: rp_evocity_v4b1

Summary: Bobo and Macen were minging around alot and I decided to start recording them, as you can see they shot at the president and other people for no reason at all. The president did not have any laws that could trigger a raid. They also shot down a cop just to take his cop car. Lusy Fox also ran around rdming people as an officer (including shooting at the president).As you can see Macen killed the President and became him straight afterwards, then proceeded to make some very weird laws for no reason.

Evidence Skip to 1:16 4:09  8:33  9:18

Messages In This Thread
Player Report RDM - by zcx2 - 08-15-2017, 05:55 PM
RE: Player Report RDM - by Yonno - 08-16-2017, 03:09 PM
RE: Player Report RDM - by Yonno - 08-16-2017, 03:10 PM

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