Report: Rushi , Sqib , GEt+Fucking reckt Rip[Trade p25 , NEMxDman
Name of player: Rushi , bobo , Sqib , GEt+Fucking reckt Rip[Trade p250 , NEMxDman , Luamei

SteamID: (Rushi - STEAM_0:1:53357681) (bobo - STEAM_0:0:193447733) (Sqib - STEAM_0:0:140063979)(GEt+Fucking reckt Rip[Trade p250 - STEAM_0:1:176372120) (NEMxDman - STEAM_0:0:72767734) (Luamei - STEAM_0:0:41739705)

Time in GMT: August 15th 12:15am

Server: Evo City v5p

Summary: All six people were prop pushing,prop climbing, random tazing, braking NLR and abusing move body tool. At least Rushi and bobo was honest and apologized but the rest didn't care.

Evidence: (I know I broke NLR but in my defense I was killed with people abusing props and move body tool. Also I respawned near my death locations.)
Kind Regards,
[Image: 2tVFym3.png]

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Report: Rushi , Sqib , GEt+Fucking reckt Rip[Trade p25 , NEMxDman - by Grape - 08-15-2017, 12:25 AM

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