Report: 5$ mouse :( and Al Suq-Yadiq
Name of player
5$ mouse Sad
Al Suq-Yadiq

5$ mouse SadSTEAM_0:1:28442314
Al Suq-Yadiq - STEAM_0:1:14219638

Time in GMT: Around 9.40 pm

Server: V4b1

Summary: So dictatorship had risen all was kicking off between the freedom fighters and the police at the time but both 5$ mouse and Al Suq-Yadig had in my eyes broke NLR, committed fail RP and was disrespectful personally OOC. 

OOC disrespect: 5$ mouse was mainly offensive OOC especially towards EmilyOasis by being rather sexist and disrespectful in general as well as attempting to insult me which really didn't bother me to be honest. But it does when its done towards someone else who doesn't deserve it. Also take note on whats said on the side towards the end.

NLR: As i was in jails, i was of course released in the end by the freedom fighters. Emily claimed that 5$ mouse and Al Suq-Yadig had broke NLR due to the fact that they were taken out by herself and her group at the time in a few minutes before we encountered again during the RP. If im not mistaken it isn't just the location to be taken into account via NLR but also the RP?

Fail RP: There were a few moments where the RP done by them was abit off as shown on the footage. 

Witness Being EmilyOasis and the footage linked below.

Many thanks,

Messages In This Thread
Report: 5$ mouse :( and Al Suq-Yadiq - by CPT.Karter - 04-17-2017, 10:04 PM

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