Report: Assasin#KATOLIK [Attempted Prop Kill]
Name of player: Assasin#KATOLIK

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:95369570

Time in GMT: Around 7.00 PM

Server: V4b1

Summary: I found KATOLIK wondering around the Nexus lobby for no reason except he was saying he wanted to see the president which was Spear at the time. Although Spear wasn't even at nexus, i was the only officer in the building and it was clear he trespassed in my eyes. i confronted him but he kept saying he wanted to see Spear. Asked him to leave but he wasn't having it and was attempting to verbally insult me. He then spawns a chair, sits in it oddly enough and then attempts to prop kill me with it. Luckily i evaded in the lift at time.

Evidence: Screenshots as provided.

Messages In This Thread
Report: Assasin#KATOLIK [Attempted Prop Kill] - by CPT.Karter - 03-31-2017, 06:15 PM

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