Report: Zuneus
Name of player: Zuneus

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:82802151

Time in GMT: 2:50pm

Server: V4

Summary:Was raiding a rebel base when the rebel came back, Pulled a gun and was going to hostage and when grabbing my rope he closed and locked his door.


Messages In This Thread
Report: Zuneus - by Kooshe - 03-27-2017, 03:02 PM
RE: Report: Zuneus - by Zunee - 03-27-2017, 03:19 PM
RE: Report: Zuneus - by mintblackbeard - 03-27-2017, 03:30 PM
RE: Report: Zuneus - by Random - 03-27-2017, 03:41 PM

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