[Solved] Cops arresting you without you doing anything.
4.5 You're not allowed to kill a police when you are arrested by him/her earlier unless you are part of an underground group who can hire a hitman.

You can not kill a Police Officer if he/she arrested you. You can only call a Hitman while being in an underground group.

14.2d You cannot raid the President solely as retaliation for being arrested or warned by police due to your own actions, i.e. you cannot raid just because you were arrested for speeding or mugging someone.

That means if you were arrested randomly multiple times, you can raid the president, as long as it was an arrest which wasn't caused by you/your own actions.

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RE: Cops arresting you without you doing anything. - by Robbtja - 03-21-2017, 03:36 PM

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