Report: Mr.Celcius, Mr.Voltage, Mr Degrees, LordFamalam
Name of player: Mr.Celcius, Mr.Voltage, Mr Degrees, LordFamalam

SteamID: Mr. Celcius = STEAM_0:0:176022790, Mr. Voltage = STEAM_0:0:89387802, Mr Degrees = STEAM_0:0:167330983, LordFamalam = STEAM_0:0:89387802

Time in GMT: 19:10 GMT

Server: v2d

Summary: Took me as a hostage while having a base in Nexus, asked for 20k each. Mr Celcius was taking hostages as a Security Guard, Mr. Voltage as a Gun Dealer, and LordFamalam as a Security Guard. Mr Degrees was a rebel leader, so I suppose thats fine. The security guards used a zip tie to handcuff me, as they took me up to the Nexus Jails. When I got there, they asked for 20k each, meaning 80k in total when the hostage rules quotes max is 2k.

Evidence:[Image: aba74d4ca837ef2349a7df8ed48d2345.jpg]
amount of money they asked for

[Image: 07bae6953bae6e571eaf23a6bb065b5a.jpg]
one of the people ziptying me: lordfamalam

[Image: fd9c81d375a840b80f7c8692a0d56cc4.jpg]
the gun dealer: Mr. Voltage

[Image: 09656fb00aab46a9a263d964d91c6a5f.jpg]
the security guard ziptying me and my friend

[Image: 009b55d3e2c44f6b82fd6e4f7af1bc76.jpg]
decided to kill me after I told them they were breaking the rules

Messages In This Thread
Report: Mr.Celcius, Mr.Voltage, Mr Degrees, LordFamalam - by adrish123 - 03-18-2017, 07:29 PM

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