[b]SteamID[/b]: STEAM_0:1:161318271 ( |HeeTiic| ) :::::::::::::: STEAM_0:0:7420864
Posting for ARPANettic:

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:161318271  ( |HeeTiic|  )  :::::::::::::: STEAM_0:0:74208648 ( Sebbish)

Time in GMT: 18:00 - 19:00

Server: v2d


We stop by 2 people sat in a car, wondering whats going on. They then instantly start reversing into the Don at the time, intentionally CDMing him, and then proceeded to attempt to ram me too ( Sebbish ) 

The Other Person, |HeeTiic|   , gets out with the job name Criminal as a BMD, with a M4A1, and proceeds to start shooting me -  this is failrp as a BMD would not have a M4A1, and incorrect job name. Afterwards, he breaks NLR.

Evidence: http://plays.tv/video/58cc2d1e5150cade55/guys


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[b]SteamID[/b]: STEAM_0:1:161318271 ( |HeeTiic| ) :::::::::::::: STEAM_0:0:7420864 - by Ethan Bradberry - 03-17-2017, 06:54 PM

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